2012年9月28日 星期五
這才是真正的音樂、真正的一代歌王! These are called genuine music and a genuine star pop singer!
一代歌王 Andy Williams (中譯安迪‧威廉斯)在二零一二年九月二十五日在美國Missouri州Branson市因膀胱癌去世,令筆者最近有些黯然神傷,始終聽他的歌曲都有三十年了,每次播放他的歌曲,都會忍不住隨他一起唱,感覺上好像大家都很熟識對方一樣。無論如何,願他安息,阿捫。
Andy Williams, king of the pop singers in the hearts of many, died in Branson, Missouri, USA, on September 25, 2012, due to bladder cancer. This makes me feel a bit sad. I have been hearing his songs for about 30 years. Every time his songs are played, I cannot stand not to sing along with him. This makes me feel that we know each other so long. Anyway, rest in peace, Amen.
很害怕在 Youtube 尋找所有他的歌曲,因為在他的歌唱生涯中真的唱了太多動聽的歌曲,而他所演譯的歌曲,都不會比原唱者差,甚至更好。如果不相信的話,可聽聽筆者為你預備在Youtube的連結「Andy Williams - MY's Best Selections」;要注意的是歌曲仍在添加中。
I am afraid of searching all his songs at Youtube, since Andy Williams sang lots of good songs throughout his singing career. Many of the songs are as good as, or even better than, original singers. If you are not convinced, I have prepared the hyperlink "「Andy Williams - MY's Best Selections" for you to listen; but please note that more songs are still being added.
在這次尋找的過程中,發現歌曲 Love Story 有西班牙語版的,於是姑且一聽,竟然發覺西班牙語版的都有同樣的感染力,雖然筆者完全不明白西班牙語的歌詞。筆者相信,這才是真正的音樂、真正的一代歌王!又或者,這是真正的「音樂無疆界」了。
During the search of Andy Williams' songs, it is found that "Love Story - Where Do I Begin" has a Spanish version. After hearing that, this Spanish version is as charming as the English one, even though I don't know even one word in Spanish. From this, I truly believe that these are what a genuine piece music means and what a genuine star pop singer means. Or, once again, this proves that there are no national boundaries in music.
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