2014年3月28日 星期五

Garden Water Cracker 嘉頓水餅 "Canape" - Good Delicious Companion On Diet 美味的減肥良伴

嘉頓水餅 Canape

This good companion is found when we are on a diet course, which is also one of the recommendations by our nutritionist helping us to lose weight. Below sounds like an advertising article, but actually it is our real experience.

We did try other water crackers available on the market in Hong Kong, but Garden Water Cracker "Canape" is the only one we choose, in terms of price and quality. Needless to say, others are imported, so they are a bit expensive. In addition, to a larger extent, if crackers are in a humid condition while in storage or in transit by water, certainly it adversely affects the crisp quality of crackers. Garden Water Cracker is produced in Hong Kong, so the crisp quality is still kept.

We also did compare the nutrition labels of all water crackers available on the market. One or two have more sodium, a major ingredient of salt, about 500 mg for each 100 grams of crackers. We didn't eat them while we were on diet in the past. Garden Water Cracker only contains 300mg of sodium per 100 grams, outstanding among other water crackers. For other nutrition ingredients, Garden Water Cracker is above average; for example, for each 100 gram of water crackers, it only contains 12.4 grams of fat, which is still outstandingly low among other brands of similar biscuits.
我們亦比較過各款水餅的營養標籤,個別進口品牌的鹽份較高,接近每一百克餅乾含接近500毫克的鈉(食鹽的主要成份),在過往減肥期間我們絕不食用。Garden Water Cracker 在每一百克祇含300毫克的鈉,在這方面都算表現出眾。在其它份量方面,嘉頓水餅在含量上是平均之上,例如在總脂肪含量上,每一百克的水餅祇含12.4克,與其它品牌的水餅相比,嘉頓水餅是偏低的。

For convenience, we can eat each piece of Garden Water Cracker in one bite - no need to worry about the crumbs left all over the place. For most of other water crackers, there is no such convenience.

Our nutritionist recommends not to take more than 12 pieces in a day.

The only thing we are not happy about is that the price in supermarkets is up from $12.5 to $14.3 around Chinese New Year, which is about 14% up. Oops! Oops! Oops!

Below is the detailed nutrition information of Garden Water Cracker per 100 grams:

Energy / 能量447kcal / 千卡
Protein / 蛋白質10.2g / 克
Total fat / 總脂肪
- Saturated fat / 飽和脂肪
- Trans fat / 反式脂肪
12.4g / 克
7.6g / 克
0g / 克
Carbohydrates / 碳水化合物
- Sugars / 糖
71.2g / 克
2.6g / 克
Sodium / 鈉300mg / 毫克

Above is one of our experiences while we are on the diet. Of course it may not be perfectly fit for everybody. Please consult your family physician or a nutritionist, for your own sake.

1 則留言:

  1. 最近發現在九龍深水埗青山道嘉頓廠房的後街有一間毫不起眼的嘉頓直銷店,所售賣的嘉頓食品都比連鎖超級市場廉宜,當然嘉頓水餅也不例外。
    Recently a tiny small shop selling various food products by Garden Bakery is found on a small street near Garden Bakery located on Castle Peak Road, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon. Many various Garden food products are on sale, cheaper than the same products sold in chain supermarkets - of course, Garden Water Cracker "Canape" is no exception.
