2014年3月28日 星期五

我們的減肥心得 Our Good Ideas of Losing Weight

Below are our good ideas about our losing weight under the supervision of a nutritionist. If any question, you may leave a message below or consult a relevant qualified professional.

First of all, if you can, it is best to find a qualified nutritionist supervising the whole process of losing weight while maintaining the balance of nutrition inside your body. If you have to lose weight under any health problem, be sure to get a qualified nutritionist or a family physician to monitor the whole process of losing weight.

If you have to lose weight yourself, you have to watch out the following guidelines:

1. 任何時候,都要以保持身體均衡營養為先,才能進行任何減肥過程。忍着餓並非減肥良方,因為這會破壞身體的營養均衡,長期或會引起大大小小的健康問題。有營養師認為,設計餐單時,留意三低一高:低糖、低鹽、低脂、高纖維。
1. at all times, maintaining the balance of nutrition inside your body is a topmost priority while you are losing weight. Not eating anything is not a good prescription for losing weight, because this will change or destroy the balance of nutrition inside your body, possibly causing big and small health problems in the long run. When making up your own meal, some nutritionists advise to pay attention to the guideline "three lows, one high" - low (not no) sugar, low (not no) salt, low (not no) fat, and high fibre.

2. 甜的、肥膩的、煎炸的和曾經過煎炸過程的、過鹹的食物(如薯片),要少吃(並非完全不吃,祇是少吃,即長時間祇嚐一至兩口左右)。飲茶或咖啡時不下糖,不下有脂肪的奶。果糖都是糖,所以,有果糖的生果,少吃。在外進食時,很多調味的醬料,如柱候汁、咖哩汁、千島汁等,都有較重的糖份或油,進食時要少吃,甚至不吃。順帶一提,一至兩茶匙的糖可以產生大約相等於一碗白飯的熱量,視乎飯碗大小而定,所以,在進食有糖份的食物時要特別小心。
2. anything sweet, oily, deep-fried, pan-fried, or already under deep-frying or pan-frying process, and too salty - such as potato chips - is not good for you to eat too much; eating in one or two bites may be okay within a long period of time. No sugar or non-fully-skimmed milk is added to your drinks. Fruit sugar is also sugar, so fruits with fruit sugar should be taken lightly each day. When you are eating outside, most of the sauces for flavoring, such as curry and thousand island sauce, contain lots of sugar or oil; so take much less or even no sauce. One more point should be mentioned is that one or two spoons of sugar can have the same amount of energy as one bowl of rice, depending upon the size of the rice bowl; therefore, be cautious when you are eating food with sugar as an ingredient.

Summarizing the above two points, simply put, first of all, balance of nutrition is a must for every meal. Then, amounts of oil or fat, salt, and sugar for every meal you take must be closely monitored.

Question For Thoughts: Sweet-food lovers, of course, wants to eat sweet food, so they reduce the amount of rice or other food containing carbohydrates that they take; finally almost all of them gain weight. Why?

3. 減肥的重要成功心得,就是忍着食慾。光靠着意志去忍着食慾,成功機會不大(如果能夠光靠着意志就能夠成功的話,你的體重在最初的時候就不會增加啦!)而我們就有以下方法幫助大家,如下:
3. The key factor of a successful weight loss is NOT to go along with your desire for food. Only depending upon your own determination against your food desire may not work well - if your own determination were strong enough, your weight shouldn't have been increased in the first place! So, there are ways to help you out, as below:

3a. 問問自己,並要認真回答,世間好的而美味的食物不少,為甚麼要吃這些致肥的食物?「我鍾意食嗎!」祇是一個放縱自己的藉口,而非一個理智的理由;要減肥成功,就不能恣意放縱自己。這樣的一緩,令自己有緩衝的時間建立忍着食慾的意志,對紓緩食慾會有相當程度的幫助。
3a. Ask yourself and answer seriously, "there is lots of good and delicious food available, why taking food increasing your weight?" "Because I like eating this!" is only an excuse to spoil yourself, which is not reasonable at all. To be successful in losing weight, freely spoiling yourself is not absolutely acceptable. Such a short pause, to some extent, helps for building up your own determination instantly against food desire.

3b. 找一些可以幫助舒緩食慾的替代食物進食,如之前曾作介紹的嘉頓水餅 Canape
3b. Find some better food to replace your usual snacks. For example, Garden Water Cracker "Canape" has been recommended before.

3c. 較進取但未必適合人人的方法,就是想食致肥食物的時候,祇往不容易日日可去(例如每星期祇可去一次)而提供絕頂食物質素的地方才進食,一來,可提高自身品味,二來,可避免隨時隨地進食致肥食物。高級食肆是一個選擇,不過不是所有高級食肆都能夠提供絕頂質素的食物。避免進入提供自助餐,或任食任叫的食肆。讀者要小心自行訂定和執行的每個細節,能達到減肥目標的才能採用
3c. A more risky approach - of course it may not work for all people - is that, if you want to eat food causing weight gain, only eat it at which you don't go easily - such as once every week - and food quality is exceptionally good. In this way, you can be more picky in eating such food, so that you are eating less. Classy and expensive restaurants may be the choices, but not every such restaurant may provide food at top quality. Avoid going to restaurants providing buffets or all-you-can-eat options. You should consider every detail of this approach carefully. Only the apporach helping you on losing weight can be adopted.

4. 做運動有助減肥,但運動完畢後,容易肚餓,忍不了食慾的朋友容易中招而大吃大喝,將辛苦得來的做運動成果完全報銷,甚至得出反效果。若閣下有這種情況,就要考慮將運動量或運動劇烈程度減輕,或者隨身帶着少量的替代食品,如水餅,以舒緩食慾。還有一點要注意的,就是太劇烈的運動或要求高的動作容易令人受傷,一旦受傷而不能運動,會影響日後減肥的進程。
4. Doing exercises helps losing weight. However, one may get hungry after exercises; one, who cannot stand against his or her own food desire well, may eat lots of food, cancelling the "rewards" of doing exercises out, or even aggravating one's own weight problem. If this applies to you, consider to do lighter exercises or to shorten the period of doing exercises; you may even bring a small amount of good snacks with you, such as water biscuits, to ease your food desire. One more point to be paid attention is that demanding exercises or movements make people get hurt easily; once you get hurt, it will adversely affect your progress on losing weight.

5. 吃過一頓豐富的飯餐後,在往後的飯餐要清淡和保持營養均衡,直至身體達到滿意的情況為目標。
5. After a very good meal, you have to take much lighter meals with balanced nutrition afterwards, until you get a good body condition.

Above is just our good ideas on losing weight. I would like to hear yours, if any.


2 則留言:

  1. 多謝Michael的分享!










    no pain no gain

    1. 謝謝Alan兄的回應。


      1. 越劇烈的運動越容易受傷,一旦受了傷,就不能做太多運動,效果會大打折扣。
      2. 文中也提到,越劇烈和越長時間的運動越容易肚餓,胃口大增,難以忍着龐大而逼切的食慾,開懷大嚼,容易吃多了,不但將辛苦做運動的成果付諸東流,還會加劇體重的問題。

